Are you looking for a creative name for your woodworking business? Mix-and-Match this list of 121 words to to create your own unique woodworking business name ideas!
Rather than make a big long list of names, we instead decided to make a list of all the words that we can think of that are related to woodworking and selling handmade products so you can mix and match to come up with your own creative name ideas!
There are over one million business name possibilities you could create when you combine two or more of any of the words below!
121 Words for Woodworking Business Name Ideas
Below is a list of all the words related to woodworking. Try mixing these words with variations of your name, where you live, your favorite number, or even your favorite color or animal!
- Alder
- Architectual
- Artisan
- Aspen
- Balsa
- Bamboo
- Basswood
- Bath
- Beam
- Beechwood
- Bench
- Birch
- Block
- Boutique
- Builder
- Building
- Cabinetry
- Cabinetmaker
- Carpenter
- Carpentry
- Carver
- Carvings
- Cedarwood
- Cherry
- Chisel
- Collections
- Company
- Crafter
- Crafts
- Creations
- Custom
- Cuts
- Cuttings
- Decor
- Depot
- Design
- Designs
- Dovetail
- Dowel
- Emporium
- Enterprises
- Epoxy
- Factory
- Farm
- Fine Woodworking
- Forest
- Foundry
- Furniture
- Gifts
- Grain
- Handmade
- Heartwood
- Home
- House
- Inspirations
- Jigsaw
- Joinery
- Keepsakes
- Kitchen
- Knotty
- Laminate
- Latewood
- Laser Cutting
- Laser Work
- Latheworks
- Lathing
- Lumber
- Mahogany
- Maker
- Manufacturing
- Maple
- Mill
- Millworks
- Miniatures
- Natural
- Nature
- Oak
- Pets
- Pine
- Poplar
- Products
- Projects
- Plywood
- Quick
- Rabbet
- Rosewood
- Router
- Saw
- Shed
- Shelving
- Shop
- Signs
- Spruce
- Store
- Supplies
- Studio
- Tools
- Teak
- Treasures
- Trees
- Turned
- Turning
- Turnery
- Unlimited
- Veneer
- Walnut
- Wicker
- Wood
- Wood Carving
- Wood Crafts
- Wood Grain
- Woodshop
- Woodworking
- Wood Works
- Wood Turning
- Workbench
- Works
- Workshop
Over a Million Possible Business Name Combinations!
We were curious with our list of 121 words just how many possible names we could create if you mix and matched the different words on this list, so we headed over to the calculator and did some calculating.
If you combine any 2 of the words on this list above together, you can create up to 14,641 possible different business name ideas! If you combine 3 words from the list above, you’d have 1,771,561 possible combinations! That’s over a million business name ideas!
You can come up with even more catchy business name ideas by combining any of the above woodworking words with any of these things below:
- Your Favorite Number
- Your First or Last Name
- Your Nickname
- Your Pet’s Name
- Your Favorite Color
- Your Street Name
- Your City Name
- Your State Name
- Your Township Name
- Local Landmark Name
- Your Local Sports Team Colors
- Your School District’s Name
- Your Target Audience (Moms, Kids, Pet Lovers, Etc.)
- Your Favorite Symbols (ie: Anchor, Arrow, Tree, Fire, Moon, etc.)
- Your Favorite Animals
As you can see, there are endless possibilities for clever woodworking business name ideas with this list of words!
Are you thinking about starting your own woodworking business? Be sure you check out our guides on How to Start a Successful Woodworking Business and The Best Woodworking Products to Make and Sell – you are sure to find some more great tips and resources there!
Did you use our list of words to come up with a fun and catchy woodworking business name idea? Tell us your favorite ideas for a woodworking business name in the comments section below!